An introduction to gaming consoles and its history

An introduction to gaming consoles and its history

The advent of science and technology has brought to this world an amazing range of products that are useful in many aspects. One such industry that is a product of modern science is the entertainment industry, which has grown vastly since its inception. This industry consists mainly of visual and audio media such as movies, music, dance, etc.

Humans thrive on entertainment because it talks to them on a personal level and connects them together in different ways. There are also a variety of sports and other activities that are considered as entertainment by many. One of the most memorable experiences that you might have had from the time of your childhood is your involvement with games.

Be it board games or the games that are available on your electronic gadgets — the very concept of one is to keep you occupied, entertained, and be a very good stress buster.

Gaming consoles
The ability to build intelligent devices brought in the amazing arcade gaming experience to many kids from the yesteryears. As more and more research went into the development of intelligent devices, they became increasingly affordable.

Now you can bring home these experiences in the form of gaming consoles. The idea came into existence in the early 1950s when the first ever video gaming consoles hit the market. From there on, the product had no turning back.

Currently, the market is flooded with a variety of gaming consoles. They offer a plethora of features that add huge value to the entertainment being offered.

The gaming consoles have evolved over time to offer their users the best of the experiences at home. These consoles are segregated into various types according to the time at which they were introduced. They are put into various generations and every generation is better than the one that preceded them.

Here are a few types of gaming consoles:

  • First Generation : The first ever console to enter the market was Magnavox Odyssey. It had various cartridges with a variety of games that you could choose from. The Magnavox Odyssey could be connected to the television and be played.
  • Second Generation : In this generation, there was the introduction of handheld gaming consoles. In the home console area, there were further developments with the introduction of VES (Fairchild Video Entertainment System). The handheld gaming consoles such as Microvision had an LCD display.
  • Third Generation : In the home console field, Nintendo Entertainment Systems (NES) was introduced and it helped the market regrow around gaming in the US as there was a crash in the video game market. In the handheld consoles, Nintendo introduced the GameBoy to the country.
  • Fourth Generation: In this generation, the PC Engine was introduced by NEC. Here, the 16-bit consoles were introduced and that was a trendsetter during the days. This generation was the epitome of development for home consoles. In the handheld consoles, there were many games released on GameBoy such as Pokemon, Tetris, and Kirby.
  • Fifth Generation : This generation saw computers take over the majority of the market and they were more affordable. Therefore, the sales were not as expected. It saw the introduction of a display of a wide range of tones and in the handheld area, there was the release of Virtual Boy.
  • Sixth Generation : This generation saw the introduction of the first of the currently popular series of PlayStation and XBOX. In the handheld field, there was the introduction of the GameBoy Advanced and GameBoy Advanced SP.
  • Seventh Generation : In this generation, Microsoft introduced XBOX 360 and Sony released the PlayStation 3. The famous motion sensing gaming was introduced with the Kinect. Nintendo’s Wii saw its release.
  • Eighth Generation : This is the currently running generation in the gaming consoles field. PlayStation 4, Wii U, Xbox One was all introduced and there are various other on-going releases that are changing the market and entertainment industry itself.